TBI Action Alliance is accelerating and advancing Traumatic Brain Injury research and awareness.
The TBI Action Alliance (TBIAA), founded by Cohen Veterans Bioscience, is the first-ever large-scale coordinated effort to accelerate Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) research and awareness.
Twenty-two organizations have come together as part of the Alliance to bring awareness to TBI and to advance diagnostics and therapeutics that can help address this widespread and significantly under-addressed condition.
The TBI Action Alliance will deliver improved brain health and outcomes for individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injuries through collective expertise and multi-sector action to deliver innovative solutions.

We’re the only organization that brings together stakeholders across the ecosystem to speed development of new therapeutics and diagnostics and enhance awareness of TBI as a public health crisis. Our work is urgent, because even though every American is at risk for a TBI, there are not enough diagnostics or treatments available to help. In fact, there’s been almost no innovation in this area at all.
Our team of partners has pioneered the only collaboration based, patient centric approach that radically accelerates research and development focused on diagnosing and treating traumatic brain injuries.
But we’re about far more than just understanding and planning. We’re identifying and prioritizing the most promising solutions and approaches, and we’re relentless about doing what it takes to bring them forward and make real progress.
How the TBI Action Alliance is making an impact

Raise Awareness & Advocate
We present a unified and powerful voice to policy makers, funders, scientists and others who support TBI research efforts. We work to ensure our priorities become theirs.

Spark a New Era of Innovation
We bring together capital and aligned research priorities to attract innovative thinkers and foster the advancement of new innovative approaches for TBI.

Establish a National Research Agenda
We are advancing a TBI Precision Research Roadmap to support scientific, regulatory and government policies that place TBI research at the top of the national agenda and ensure adequate funding and resources to execute it.

Put Patients at the Center
We are engaging the community in establishing the Research Roadmap and ensuring it is executed.

Chart Progress
We track progress against roadmap milestones and report out to the Alliance membership progress of collective efforts.
We’re connecting leading experts and catalyzing collaborative action
The TBI Precision Research Roadmap focuses on 7 lines of effort:
1Injury burden: Identify the burden of disease across all populations and injury severities as determined by incidence, prevalence and long-term trajectories of patients suffering from TBI.
2Disease models: Develop an array of translationally valid disease models (preclinical and computational) based on biological understanding of trauma pathogenesis and disease phenotypes that support evaluation of novel therapies.
3Precision diagnosis: Identify, develop and validate diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers for TBI to develop first-generation diagnostic tests.
4Targeted therapeutics: Validate therapeutic targets & fast track a first-generation of TBI (wellness, device, digital, drug) therapeutics targeted to the right person at the right time.
5Clinical practice implementation: Accelerate adoption of best practices, clinical practice guidelines, and precision therapeutic approaches to optimize brain health outcomes.
6Translational infrastructure and enabling technologies: Identify and address infrastructure, incentives, regulatory and technology gaps to advance the TBI roadmap.
7Awareness and advocacy: Place TBI at the top of the U.S. Public Policy agenda and raise awareness to reduce stigma of brain injury, encourage treatment-seeking, and enable access and reimbursement of care.

"At the TBI Action Alliance, our belief is that success can be achieved through a collaborative model. We aim to identify research gaps, work collectively, and ensure a coordinated effort towards making an impact in the lives of those affected by traumatic brain injuries.”
Magali Haas, MD, PhD
Founder of the TBI Action Alliance
Join the alliance and become a partner

The Roadmap
Cohen Veterans Bioscience (CVB) established the Brain Trauma Blueprint – a framework for generating and executing precision research roadmaps.
Through this framework, CVB has convened TBI Researchers and other stakeholders at State of the Science Summits to identify and publish consensus challenges and recommendations for TBI research.